PPC vs SEO, Which is Better for Law Firms?

Many clients ask whether they should use PPC or SEO for their marketing strategy.  The answer usually depends on their situation.  For law firms it’s beneficial to integrate both PPC and SEO into your marketing strategy.

PPC is paid advertising through Google. The biggest benefit of PPC is that it appears at the top of pages.  The downside of PPC is that it can get very expensive depending on where the practice is located and what types of law you practice. One benefit of PPC is that you do have strong control over the  monthly expense.  Ideally having a PPC strategy that aligns well with your SEO strategy yields the best results.

SEO will provide your website with visibility, increase your branding and develop trust with your audience.  SEO is also sustainable because it will remain on your website until you remove it. PPC drops off when you stop paying for it. 

The best way to align your PPC and SEO strategies is to make sure they use similar keywords and run concurrently. You’ll also want to be flexible in your strategy to maximize the benefits of each throughout different parts of the year.  For example, if you are a personal injury attorney that specializes in motorcycle accidents, you might want to increase your PPC ads during the summer months.  PPC ads typically result in quicker results whereas SEO takes time and consistency to attract new visitors to your website.

Once you’ve established your website with SEO content your competitors will have a difficult time catching up with your rankings. Of course, having quality, original, relevant content is the key to staying high in the search rankings. While attorneys are excellent writers, SEO content requires a unique set of skills and a writing technique that engages your audience.  In most cases, law firms should outsource their blogs and social media content to marketing professionals within the legal industry.

With a well planned marketing strategy, your PPC and SEO channels can complement each other, leading to a larger audience and higher conversion rates.

If you need help creating a successful marketing strategy and improving your results, please feel free to schedule a phone appointment with me.

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