Building a Process to Get More Online Reviews

We all know reviews are an important component of improving SEO and attracting new clients.  But, do you know how important reviews are? According to a 2020 Survey by BrightLocal, “87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses in 2020 – up from 81% in 2019.” Furthermore, “73% of consumers only pay attention to reviews written in the past month.” Local Consumer Review Survey 2020

With so much focus on client reviews, you need to have a strategy in place for getting good reviews on a consistent basis. Data suggests that about 70% of clients asked to provide a review are willing to do so. Let’s talk about a strategy to get those reviews!

First, assign one person in your office the task of getting reviews from happy clients.  How do you know which clients are happy?  You can establish a process of a follow up email with a few simple questions about their experience with your firm.  For the clients who complete the questions and have positive answers, follow up with a review request.  Even better, you can have your designated review staff phone the client and ask about their experience with your firm.  If their experience was good, then text or email them a review request.

Secondly, make sure whatever process you establish is scalable so that as your firm grows you don’t have to recreate your review process.

Third, make it easy for a client to review you!  Personally I believe texting a  link to the review site is the easiest format and will most likely get the fastest review.  When you make your review request, let the client know how long it will take them to post a review. Also provide a prompt in the form of an open-ended question so they have a start for writing their review. Examples are, Thank you for choosing us for your recent legal challenge. Your feedback is important to us! How do you feel about your experience with ABC Law Firm? How did our resolution of your case meet your expectations?

Creating a template with a link to the review site that you can text or email to clients is a great option to make the process simple for them.  

Lastly, choose a review site that links with Google My Business and that you can link to your website. Linking to these areas will help boost your SEO ranking.

If you want help improving your SEO rankings please feel free to schedule a call with me!

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