A Simple Way to Optimize your Local SEO

Local SEO is still one of the best ways to attract new clients.  Google remains the dominant force in local SEO. Local SEO is commonly defined as the practice of optimizing your online presence to attract local clients.

Google My Business (GMB) is one of the best ways you can leverage Local SEO. I frequently tell law firms to think of their GMB as a “mini website”. This means making sure you’ve filled out every area on your GMB profile, including services you offer. Check to make sure that the phone number and address information on your GMB matches the information on your website.

If your GMB profile ranks in the top few, it will show even higher than organic results. 


By completing your profile and checking it for accuracy will help your business populate on Google Maps. This offers clients an easy way to find your location. Make sure you add photos to your GMB profile!

Whenever you post a new blog, offer a new service, get mentioned in the news, win an award, etc… you should create a post on your GMB profile with a link to your main website.  Ideally posting once a week will help you gain higher local visibility.  

The next step for increasing Local SEO through your GMB, is to request reviews. Requesting reviews should be a process that is consistent within your law practice. Having consistent, positive reviews is a major contributing factor to how well you rank against your competitors.

If you don’t have the time or resources to manage your local SEO, then you can ask your current marketing agency for a quote to do this for you. Many marketing agencies don’t advertise this service but are happy to help law firms that need it. 

If you need help creating a successful marketing strategy and improving your results, please feel free to schedule a phone appointment with me.

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