The Ghosts of Marketing Past

Legal Marketing

I have to be honest, sometimes I like working with brand new law firms better than established firms.  Established firms usually have marketing ghosts that I need to compete with to earn their business.  Sometimes these ghosts are friendly and sometimes they are not. Either way, these ghosts haunt my clients with past experiences leading to general assumptions about marketing. These ingrained beliefs frequently create obstacles to success for law firms.

There are so many details that go into every marketing campaign that each one is truly unique.  As a legal marketing professional I’m expected to deliver results. My years of experience have taught me what works and what doesn’t work.  When I’m hired by a firm they are paying for my technical expertise, but more importantly they are paying for my experience.  

So many times, clients have had past experiences that have formed strong opinions about how they want to market themselves.  I’ve had clients who insist on marketing to a specific area even though my years of experience have taught me that the demographics in that area do not respond well to certain types of marketing.  About half of those clients listen to me, thankfully!  The other half who do not take advantage of my experience inevitably get a lower response rate and lower return on investment.  

Marketing is a combination of science (proven strategies) and art (creative inspiration). An SEO campaign, a PPC campaign, a postcard campaign, an email campaign, and a website are all unique and connect with audiences in different ways.  

Try to have an open mind when you start a new type of marketing strategy.  Let your agency develop your strategy and back up their recommendations with data. Hire a professional with legal marketing experience that has seen 1st hand what works and what doesn’t work. Remember that most legal marketing professionals love their job and want their clients to succeed. 

If you need help creating a successful marketing strategy and improving your results, please feel free to schedule a phone appointment with me.

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